How to Use the Quiz and Exam Features

You can choose between fixed and random order for the quiz questions.

Artificially created video by ChatGPT@HeyGen

1.Quiz Formats (mp3 and iPax Auscultation)

  • You can set questions not only with mp3 audio but also with iPax auscultation cases.
  • Questions can be set using multiple mp3 audio files.
  • It is possible to combine iPax cases and MP3 questions.

Sample quizzes here

2.Setting Up Scenarios Other Than Auscultation

  • You can set up quiz questions with diagnostic images and ECG results etc..
  • It is also possible to create questions using videos.
  • You can create “non-auscultation” questions as well.
  • Questions can be created to closely resemble actual clinical scenarios.

3.Answer Time Limit

  • You can set the answer time for quizzes in seconds as desired.
  • Setting a time limit helps create an environment where students can focus on the quiz.

4.How to Set Up Quiz and Exam Questions

  • Create questions from the administrator screen.
  • For auscultation sounds, simply select from the case list.
  • After setting up the options, just press the publish button to make it available to everyone.
  • The scope of the published questions is limited to students within your institution (group).
  • Students’ answers can be viewed at any time from the management screen.

5.Random Question Feature

  • There is a feature to randomly select a specified number of questions from the quiz question pool.
  • It is also possible to fix the order of the questions.

6.Exam Format Usage

  • The basic screen design and setup method are the same as for quizzes.
  • Explanations and correct/incorrect answers are not displayed.
  • Students can only take the Exam questions once (they cannot click for a second attempt).
  • After the exam is finished, a completion notification is automatically sent to the examinees.
  • The results are recorded on the administrator page and can be viewed at any time.

7.Administrator Log Management Page

  • Students’ quiz results can be checked on the management page and downloaded as a CSV file.
  • You can evaluate the usage time and performance of each individual.
  • Auscultation sites are also recorded, aiding in detailed analysis.
